Who lives beyond the discomfort?

When I first got hurt and was stuck on bedrest, I would think about what my life would look like POST injury. After all the surgeries and the PT were said and done, I thought about what I wanted for myself once I could workout 🏋️‍♂️ again.

I could see myself lifting weights and just moving…

I saw myself happy 😊 that I had my independence back and was out of bed.

In truth, I saw myself doing literally ANYTHING except recovering from my injury. I imagined my life. The life I could have and not the one I was currently living.

I workout 🏋️‍♂️ for HER. For the version of me that I’ll be in 30 minutes when my workout 🏋️‍♂️ is done. For the version of me I wanted more than anything when I was stuck in bed.

The version of me who’s stronger 💪 than I was 30 minutes ago, and who KNOWS her own strength.

What about you?


We All Have a Day 1


How Do You Respond to Stress?