Save this Core Warm Up

Every workout I post is designed to be versatile.

My goal is to use my platform to teach you how to create your own workout program so you’re not dependent on a trainer to do it for you.

Granted I know you might be down with the group class for those intangible things the group class gives you BUT worse case scenario, you could do it all on your own if you needed it.

(Case in point: COVID and the gyms shutting down)

I write them with YOU in mind. The crazy busy schedule you have, the things you have to take care of, and the limited amount of time to do it all in.

So here’s what you do:

Use the workout below as a warm up if you have a longer amount of time to workout. Add it to the other parts of your workouts (hint: like the other workouts I’ve emailed over your way).

If you’re short on time today, add on a couple more rounds and use it as a shorter standalone workout.

Regardless of how you use it today, know that you can use it differently every time you go for it and it will work FOR Y O U.

3 Rounds

15 reps each exercise


Bicycle crunches

Reverse crunches


Benchmark Workouts


How to Make HIIT Work