What side do you start on with unilateral work?

I love this question because it shows me that you guys are actively thinking about what you’re doing and how to make it more effective. So get it girl. 

I love unilateral work because it helps create symmetry through the muscle systems in the body. Fancy. Really it helps create balance. 

None of us are balanced. We all have certain muscle systems that are stronger on one side than the other, we have one side that’s stronger with balance, all those things. The predominate side of our body always makes whatever work we’re doing feel easier. It’s just nature. 

I like to work unilaterally or one side at a time because it helps to bring that balance back to the body. And (without getting super into the science) the more you balance you have, the less likely you are to hurt yourself. Unilateral work also challenges your core in a whole NEW kind of way (just trust me).

So when I’m doing a new exercise that’s unilateral, I start on my dominate side. Not only because it makes the movement feel “easier” because my dominate side is more coordinated, but it also helps give the movement more dexterity. 

Regardless of how you start, it’s imperative to be taking notice of how your body is moving and how things feel from side to side. The ultimate goal is that eventually both sides will feel exactly the same, whether you start on your dominate side or your side of opportunity. 

Which all makes me sound super smart. 

It also helps create neurological pathways, giving your body more awareness of what it’s doing so by the time you get to the second side, you don’t feel like AS much of a hot mess. 

That being said, it could be an extra mental challenge if you start with your non-dominate side first, so if you’re looking for that extra push, I say go for it. Give yourself that extra physical and mental challenge.

And keep doing it. Make unilateral work a regular part of your fitness programing so you can increase not just your mind/body awareness but also the symmetry in your body.


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